BlueCross BlueShield Orthodontist – Amherst, MA

Learn How BlueCross BlueShield Can Help You

No one wants to be surprised when it comes to the financial components of orthodontic treatment. At Treehouse Orthodontics, we make sure our patients are informed about the expected costs and ways to keep out-of-pocket expenses low. One way we accomplish this is by being a BlueCross BlueShield orthodontist in Amherst (BCBS). Those who have policies through BCBS may be able to save more on orthodontic care because of the level of coverage provided as part of their plan. Our team will work to ensure you get the maximum savings, but you must first call and speak to a staff member. We’ll not only schedule your child’s appointment but also begin finding ways to help you get the most out of your BCBS plan.

BlueCross BlueShield Coverage Availability & Fees

Woman visiting orthodontist for examination

Treehouse Orthodontics is pleased to be in-network with BlueCross BlueShield, but we recognize that every plan is different, so it’s important that you review your policy or have a member of our team help you with this process.

The general level of coverage for orthodontics is anywhere from 25-75%. Your specific plan will determine how much you can expect your insurer to pay for the treatment your child receives.

If we recommend traditional braces or Invisalign, you might receive 50% coverage for these services, requiring you to pay the remaining balance. This, however, can be dependent on a few different factors:

  • Whether you have coinsurance or a copay
  • Whether you’ve met your deductible
  • The complexity of the orthodontic treatment that is required
  • The type of treatment received
  • And the number of office visits required

By serving as an in-network orthodontist with BCBS, our negotiations with the insurance company ensure the fees for the services we provide remain low – just one of the many benefits of choosing someone in-network versus out-of-network.

Meet Our Team

Dental receptionist

At Treehouse Orthodontics, we have an exceptional team of administrative professionals who are here to make sure you receive the full benefits of your dental insurance. We recognize that orthodontic care is a costly investment, and some insurance companies do not provide proper coverage. We’ll go over your plan and discuss whether you can expect any financial assistance from your insurer, what your out-of-pocket expenses will be, and how you can take advantage of additional savings options.

Instead of leaving you to face various surprises throughout your child’s treatment, we’ll make sure you are fully prepared, providing all the necessary details and information ahead of time.